Acosta Dance is a wonderful discovery. I found El Cruce Sobre el Niágara (Crossing Over the Niagara) on Marquee.Com as a free bonus event, and it was worth 22 minutes.
The credits online list choreography premiered by Cuban Contemporary Dance in 1987 and inspired by the homonymous play by the Peruvian playwright Alonso Alegría, Casa de las Americas Award in 1969.

Initially two pools of light bring focus to two beautiful men – almost twins – clad only in dance belts and hugging the ground. Ever so slowly one starts to cross in an anatomically magnificent study of slow-motion dance and flight. Eventually, he reaches the other side, and starts the second man on his journey, although this time with wild abandon as Olivier Messiaen’s jarring music switches tempo.
Eventually the young men – now shined in sweat – start working together in leaps and lifts that defy the narrow space they are working in. Only late in the program do blue lights come up in full stage as the dancers - now one on top of the other – circle and circle and circle in what could be a deep descent into water.
The dancers are Mario Sergio Elias and Raul Reingold.
It - like all of the work in dance, opera, and theater on Marquee TV - looks great.
Anther of their works that is free to see online is Fire Island Dance Fest from 2017.