ANNE AT 13,000 FT is a much lauded Canadian film that is frankly terrifying. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire time.

Deragh Campbell is brilliant laughing maniacally, or stone cold drunk, or inappropriately behaving with her students. The children seem to know only Shark Week and violence, and their parents are creepy.
Anne is out of control with her family and with a man who expresses interest in her. She pushes her friends out of her life. But despite all that - unlike Ewan McGregor’s turn in HALSTON - you feel and pull for her. The tension is intense.

The only place she finds joy is a memory of a skydive she took at a bachelorette party. And she longs to return to the sky again
Kazik Radwanski’s brilliant direction snatches bits of scenes and times with measured abandon. At times breathtaking and heartbreaking, the film is a terrific psychological exploration of someone who’s lost their way. It should probably be followed with a discussion or question and answer session.
I found ANNE AT 13.000 FT on Vimeo.