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1781 is a snappy short film

Angela Allyn

Watching a well-made short film is like an unexpectedly great dessert after a fine meal, and 1781 is one of those films. Writer/director Ethan Fuirst is both straight forward and provocative.

History buffs will know where this film lives, but if you don’t know history, that is no matter. We meet two men from opposites side of a conflict who form a bond. And that bond – to eat, to sleep, to love, to be free – is shown with a minimal amount of dialogue and an excellent visual and auditory sense of storytelling. Josh Fulton and Ryan Meyer star.

It is clear that Fuirst has a great future and I hope he will continue to reclaim gay narratives wherever and whenever he can.

1781 can be found on Vimeo and Dekkoo.

I also watched Ethan's short Come At Me, Bro again starring Ryan Meyer, this time with Jake Murphy. It is also worth a look.



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